
Projects page

Dresser Repair and Re-creation

During my move to my current apartment, the dresser units that my best friend's family had handed down to me came crashing down in some places, since they were quite heavy. However, this did not discourage me because I had dreamed vaguely of taking them apart and repainting them anyway, because the white does not fit my flamboyant aesthetic.

You can see places in the photos where the connecting screws and dowels tore out the surrounding wood. I'll repair these to be able to make new connecting holes.

One drawer face was already damaged from trying to fit it into the shelving, so I took it apart for inspection purposes and felt very satisfied at the ability for me to paint and change out the handle when I get to it. The face was glued on as well as screwed into the main drawer, so I'll need to clean off the old glue. I'm thinking I'll try to connect it with just the screws and see how it behaves, since I like the structural integrity of physical connectors over the uncertainty of glue.

My current vision is to paint the dressers a deep color, either deep blue or green, and replace the handles with custom 3D printed ones that resemble octopus tentacles. There's some 3D files out there already for this, but I might also desire to model my own handles to get the detail that pleases my eye. Then I'll paint them to resemble a sort of old brass.

I got some wood filler putty yesterday to try out on the dresser pieces, so I was able to fill almost all of the holes and damaged connection points. However, I should have gotten a larger container of filler because the tube ran out faster than I expected. I don't know how solid it will be when it dries, but I'm optimistic for the smaller holes. For some of the larger sections I used the filler to sort of glue the old piece back on, and added extra filler around it, so I'm afraid that those will come back off again.

I also got some paint swatches to see if I like the deep green, and I'm very happy with the "Dark Everglade" color on the right of this picture, but I think the camera didn't capture its vibrancy as well as the naked eye.